Code Peking Duck

0 Bewertungen

ISBN 9783929403954

360 Seiten

€ 16,90

4. Juli 2024

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West German pacifist Michael Müller ends up as a GI in the U.S. Army after a wild cross-country odyssey through America, the land of his dreams. Now Michael Miller, he’s a medic in Vietnam. Shaken by combat’s horrors, Miller decides to desert. Eluding the authorities halfway around the world, he returns to the United States. To avoid prison for desertion, Miller pledges to smuggle defectors and dissidents from hostile countries for the CIA. After thrilling operations in the Eastern Bloc and the Middle East, he faces the ultimate challenge: rescuing 141 German civilians from the chaos of revolutionary Iran. An incredible story-based on true events.


The Accidental Agent - Code Peking Duck

Fans of classic espionage thrillers will be gripped by Code Peking Duck, a heart-pounding journey through the 1970s. Our daring escape agent navigates betrayals and global chaos, from the jungles of Vietnam to the streets of Tehran.

Code Peking Duck Max Claro

Code Peking Duck

ISBN 9783929403954

360 Seiten

€ 16,90

4. Juli 2024

Das Produkt können Sie bei einem unserer Partner* erwerben:

Code Peking Duck

0 Bewertungen


West German pacifist Michael Müller ends up as a GI in the U.S. Army after a wild cross-country odyssey through America, the land of his dreams. Now Michael Miller, he’s a medic in Vietnam. Shaken by combat’s horrors, Miller decides to desert. Eluding the authorities halfway around the world, he returns to the United States. To avoid prison for desertion, Miller pledges to smuggle defectors and dissidents from hostile countries for the CIA. After thrilling operations in the Eastern Bloc and the Middle East, he faces the ultimate challenge: rescuing 141 German civilians from the chaos of revolutionary Iran. An incredible story-based on true events.


The Accidental Agent - Code Peking Duck

Fans of classic espionage thrillers will be gripped by Code Peking Duck, a heart-pounding journey through the 1970s. Our daring escape agent navigates betrayals and global chaos, from the jungles of Vietnam to the streets of Tehran.

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