Jane Austen Playing Cards
54 CARD DECK – A set of playing cards featuring illustrations of Austen’s most famous characters. Features standard playing card suits, numbers and court cards: can be used in exactly the same way as normal playing cards
FUN, COLOURFUL ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrator Barry Falls perfectly captures some of Austen’s most loved characters. Suits are themed on character traits, with hearts for the Heroines and Heroes and spades for the Fools and Bores
BOOKLET INCLUDED: The accompanying booklet includes the rules to Regency card games and their mentions in Austen’s novels
EASY HANDLING: The cards will not crack or bend when shuffled or flexed due to their weight. Held within a box these cards are perfect for taking anywhere on the go
GIFTS: The playing cards make the perfect gift for any bookworm, or fan of Jane Austen
Play cards with Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet as King and Queen of Hearts, Henry Crawford as Ace Rogue, and many more of Jane Austen’s most memorable characters. Add some 19th-century drama to your favourite card games or learn to play the ones featured in Austen’s stories with the help of the accompanying booklet.
Diese drei Kartenspiele aus dem Hause Laurence King ermöglichen Begegnungen mit unseren liebsten Figuren aus den Werken von Jane Austen, Agatha Christie und Charles Dickens.
Jane Austen Playing Cards
54 CARD DECK – A set of playing cards featuring illustrations of Austen’s most famous characters. Features standard playing card suits, numbers and court cards: can be used in exactly the same way as normal playing cards
FUN, COLOURFUL ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrator Barry Falls perfectly captures some of Austen’s most loved characters. Suits are themed on character traits, with hearts for the Heroines and Heroes and spades for the Fools and Bores
BOOKLET INCLUDED: The accompanying booklet includes the rules to Regency card games and their mentions in Austen’s novels
EASY HANDLING: The cards will not crack or bend when shuffled or flexed due to their weight. Held within a box these cards are perfect for taking anywhere on the go
GIFTS: The playing cards make the perfect gift for any bookworm, or fan of Jane Austen
Play cards with Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet as King and Queen of Hearts, Henry Crawford as Ace Rogue, and many more of Jane Austen’s most memorable characters. Add some 19th-century drama to your favourite card games or learn to play the ones featured in Austen’s stories with the help of the accompanying booklet.
Diese drei Kartenspiele aus dem Hause Laurence King ermöglichen Begegnungen mit unseren liebsten Figuren aus den Werken von Jane Austen, Agatha Christie und Charles Dickens.
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